Changed your mind? No problem! Returns are easy and fast.

14 days from delivery to return one or more products. You can make a return online.

You can return via mail or courier, with Sempre Nuovo we'll pick it up for you.

Once we receive your return, you will be automatically refunded.

How can I return my package?

Always check the return instructions we send you via email.

How do I request a return?

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact's Customer Service through the methods and contacts provided in the "Contact Us" section of this site.

1. Request a return

Choose the order to return, go to the detail page, and fill out the "request return" form.

2. Print the label

We will send you a PDF via email with the label to attach to the package and the return instructions.

3. Prepare the package

Seal the return in the same box as the delivery. Attach the label on the outside, covering the previous one.

4. Ship it

Check the return methods for your product in the instructions sent. Choose the one you prefer.

5. Wait for the refund

We will send you the refund using the same payment method you chose for the purchase as soon as we receive the product.